The Black Lake

In the distant imaginary world of fairy tales, Jean and Madeleine live isolated in a wooden cabin on the edge of a dark mountain lake. They have been a couple for five years, ever since Jean found Madeleine unconscious in the forest one autumn evening.
Madeleine has amnesia and no memory of what brought her to the edge of the black lake. She has a cross-shaped burn on her cheek, a sign that she has been banished and is no longer allowed to return to the valley.
One day as Jean is fishing, he catches an enormous fish, in which he discovers a child asleep.
This event will bring Madeleine's past to light. Inspired by traditional tales, Victor Jaquier, both director and artistic director, stages his characters by integrating them into his dark and poetic visual universe. Taking advantage of the magnificent natural scenery of the Swiss Alps and the talent of many professionals, Le Lac Noir benefits from workmanship that makes the universe all the more realistic and disturbing.

Céline Bolomey, Adrien De Van
Victor Jaquier
Arnaud Gantenbein
Victor Jaquier
Directors of photography
Pascal Montjovent & Hugo Veludo
Thierry Besançon & Jean-Noël Yven
Céline Bolomey, Adrien De Van
Victor Jaquier
Arnaud Gantenbein
Victor Jaquier
Directors of photography
Pascal Montjovent & Hugo Veludo
Thierry Besançon & Jean-Noël Yven